Get Involved

Here at Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust encourage and value the community we represent getting involved with the Trust.  Training session

We have plenty of ways that you can get involved with our Trust. You can help us to improve our services by giving feedback, by providing support to others or becoming a member or a governor. Other exciting involvement opportunities include taking part in planning and research projects, joining steering groups and helping us to recruit the right people for the right jobs.

it doesn't matter what level of expertise and knowledge you have, or how much time you can spare, your contribution will be invaluable. As well as helping us to develop our services, you could learn some new skills and improve your own confidence. 

The most important parts of our patient and public involvement work are:


Co-production is doing things with people rather than for or to them in additionAs a Trust, we are working on models of co-production through our Recovery and Wellbeing Academy. We are creating space for shared learning and decision making, in all capacities, through an equal and transparent partnerships and recognizing and valuing the unique skills that people possess. We are currently in the process of reviewing our processes for co-production and will update this page shortly. 


We want to involve you in decisions about your care and ensure our communities have a say regarding service design and evaluation. We are currently in the process of reviewing our processes for involvement and will update this page shortly. In the meantime, you can find out more about becoming a volunteer for the trust.


We improve services based on your valuable feedback. We have developed an Engagement & Co-production Group with carers, service users and staff to ensure we have diverse input into service redesign and decision making. 

We seek to proactively build continuous and meaningful engagement with the public and patients, to shape services and improve health. Effective engagement leads to improvements in health services and is part of everyone’s role in the NHS. See The Patient Experience Book: A collection of the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement’s guidance and support, for more information.

Whether you are a member of the public getting involved in the work of the NHS for the first time or a doctor who is new to commissioning; you might need a bit of help to guide you. NHS England have put together a range of toolkits and resources to help you carry out effective patient and public involvement, as well as policies and background information to support you. Further clarifaction for staff involving patients and the public in their work in a meaningful way to improve services, including giving clear advice on the legal duty to involve, can be found on the NHS England website.