Access to Your Health Records

pile of folders in primary colours with a pen on top

The NHS is facing unprecedented challenges during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.  Understandably, our resources are being diverted away from the usual compliance and information rights work to support colleagues who are working tremendously hard to provide care for our patients, and to those in need of our services.

Whilst we recognise that statutory timescales cannot be extended, at this time, the care of our patients and the safety of our staff takes precedent, therefore it is likely that responses to some requests for information will be delayed. 

We apologise for this position in advance, and will endeavour to provide you with as much information as we can, as soon as we are able.

Download the summary of  Your Health Records Summary.pdf [pdf] 451KB
Download the full version of Your Health Records.pdf [pdf] 568KB
Download the symbol version of  Your Health Records Leaflet symbols - Easy Read.pdf [pdf] 333KB

Application Form - Access to Records.doc [doc] 114KB

GDPR - Information About You.pdf [pdf] 62KB

Contact us:

Information Governance Department
Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust
Wayside House
Wilson's Lane

024 7658 8821 or 024 7653 6807 /