Vaccine clinics launched for anxious and hesitant people

The NHS in Coventry and Warwickshire is launching a vaccination clinic for anyone who is hesitant or anxious about getting their COVID-19 jab.
A team of qualified professionals will be available to support anyone who is concerned about getting their COVID-19 vaccine, whether that be because they are needle phobic, anxious, hesitant or simply would like to understand a bit more about how the vaccine works and why it is important to get the jab. The service will also provide appointments for people who have learning disabilities, are autistic or have mental health conditions that prevent them from accessing routine vaccination clinics.
The clinics will take place at both Bedworth vaccination centre and Locke House in Rugby and more time will be allocated, with each appointment slot lasting for 20 minutes.
John Addy site manager for the Coventry and Warwickshire Vaccination Programme said: “We know there are people in Coventry and Warwickshire who want to get their COVID-19 jab but are hesitant to do so. We hope that by introducing these new dedicated vaccine clinics that will be in a quieter and calmer environment we will be able to support more people to get the vital protection they need this winter.
“Anyone who is needle phobic or anxious is welcome to make an appointment to attend. We have a triage process in place that will ensure the patient spends as little time answering questions while they are in the vaccine centre and more time with one of our qualified clinicians who will be able to support them through the vaccination process. The new dedicated clinics will have longer appointment slots to support people with learning difficulties, autism or mental health issues. Our approach will be a bespoke service tailored to the specific needs of each patient and I would encourage anyone who has been hesitant about having their vaccine to get in touch so we can support them.”
Sharon Binyon, Medical Director at Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust said: “COVID-19 hasn’t gone away. We are likely to see regular waves of infection for some time to come. Being vaccinated can help prevent further disruption to your plans this winter, especially with the upcoming festive season, in just a few weeks’ time.
“We understand people may feel anxious and hesitant about having the vaccine, and people with learning difficulties or mental health issues may need additional support; that’s why we have set up these clinics to help tailor the clinics to their individual needs.
“If you’re eligible for an autumn booster, or if you’ve not taken up the vaccine offer before, get your jab and make sure you’re protected.”
Clinics will be held at Bedworth Vaccination Centre on Mondays from 2pm to 5pm, starting on Monday 5 December. Clinics will be held at Locke House in Rugby on Wednesdays from 2pm to 5pm, starting on Wednesday 7 December. Both clinics will also offer appointments for 5 to 11-year-olds, people who have not yet received a vaccination, and boosters for those who are eligible.
Protection from vaccines reduces over time so the booster is being offered to those at greatest risk from COVID-19 to increase their protection during the winter months when viruses spread more easily. This includes everyone aged 50 and over and those with conditions that put them at greater risk from COVID, such as people with weakened immune systems and pregnant women.
Language Line will also be available for patients whose first language isn’t English and a follow-up phone call will be made to each patient after their appointment.
Patients can email or call to discuss their specific needs and make an appointment:
07586 616119 or 07919 698443