Together with Autism conferences for Coventry and Warwickshire residents

Together with Autism conferences are being held in Coventry and Warwickshire to support families and anyone who wants to better understand autism and find out about support available to families. Our conference on Saturday 19th November 2022 will welcome local people to Nuneaton and a second event will take place on Saturday 21st January 2023 in Coventry.
Both conferences are open to professionals, family members of autistic children and autistic adults, however, anyone can attend the conference for inspiring talks, workshops and to meet with your local service representatives. The All-age autism strategy was launched last year and there are ten key priorities that the health and care partners are working on over the coming years.
Mel Coombes, Chief Executive, Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Partnership Trust, said: “We are looking forward to meeting people from the area at our Together with Autism conferences and sharing our e-booklet to support neurodiverse people and their families. Our aim is to make sure that people and families are well supported and have vital resources to hand to help them navigate where to find support and services available locally.”
The e-booklet aims to improve the information and support available for neurodiverse people and their families, this information has been published and is available on the Dimensions Tool website news page.
Dr Angela Brady, Chief Medical Officer at NHS Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board, said: “This valuable resource has been co-produced with neurodiverse people and their families and professionals across Coventry and Warwickshire. It provides a wealth of information all in one place about services and support available for those who are diagnosed or who self-identify as neurodivergent, and those who care for and support them. We are delighted to share this with you and look forward to meeting you at the conference.”
As well as a comprehensive list of services available to support children and young people and adults, there is a Frequently Asked Questions section covering everything from building positive friendships and family relationships to support for physical and mental health.
This is a funded, ticketed event, free to Coventry and Warwickshire residents only. The conferences aim to create opportunities for people to meet and build networks with others who share experience or an interest in Autism.
The conference will feature a number of speakers from across all sectors, including autistic people, and there will be a number of workshops taking place which you can book on the day:
- Understanding the Autistic Nervous System
- Nurturing a positive autistic self-identity
- Autism, girls and keeping it all inside
- Adults and transition
- SENDIAS Questions & Answer Session
To book a place at one of the conferences please use the links below:
Nuneaton: Nuneaton Together with Autism Conference Tickets, Sat 19 Nov 2022 at 10:00 | Eventbrite
Coventry: In-person: Together with Autism Conference Tickets, Sat 21 Jan 2023 at 10:00 | Eventbrite