Response to CQC Inspection Rating of Secure and Forensic Learning Disabilities and Autism Service

Mel Coombes MBE, chief executive officer of Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust, in response to the report said, “We’d like to reassure patients and their families that we’re working at pace to improve the quality of our forensic inpatient services for people with a learning disability or autism.
“The Trust has undertaken significant work to address the issues identified in the March 2023 inspection. We were pleased to see these improvements highlighted in the report from July 2023. Specifically, the CQC found that people in our care said they felt safe and cared for, that staff were approachable and that there were plenty of activities on offer. The CQC also reported improved staffing levels and reduced vacancy rates, improvements in mandatory training levels among staff, that staff said morale was good and spoke highly of the senior management.
“We also took immediate action in July 2023, to address the areas of concern which were raised by the CQC, including reviewing, and confirming the care pathways for individuals mentioned in the report. The Trust has further strengthened its seclusion practice and is undertaking its own assurance audits, which is demonstrating an improved compliance with Trust policy.
“We are pleased that the CQC and our own audit processes are already seeing considerable improvement in the areas identified in report dated March 2023. We will continue to work with our staff, the CQC, our commissioners, patients and carers and NHS England, to improve the quality of service that we provide.”