Ramadan and Eid Guidance 2023

The month of Ramadan will begin on Wednesday 22 March and end on Friday 21 April , this may vary depending on the sighting of the moon.
Ramadan involves a daily period of fasting for Muslims starting at sunrise and finishing at sunset over the month. This means abstaining from food, drink (including water) and smoking. While fasting is an important part of Ramadan, it is also a time of self-reflection and self-evaluation for Muslims.
Accommodating religious belief and practices during Ramadan is about being responsive to our staff needs. It does not necessarily mean extra time off, it is about offering flexibility around existing holiday entitlement, working patterns or break periods. Unlike previous years, this may prove more challenging if resources are reduced due to staff absence from self-isolation and illness.
Similarly, staff should also be aware of the health issues related to fasting, so that they are able to make more informed choices, minimise complications and maximise the benefit of their fast as well as operational effectiveness. This is because fasting is not compulsory or advisable for anyone who is ill or has a medical condition. For more information, please contact below for more advice if needed:
Islamic Cultural Centre issued advice for those attending the mosque. http://www.iccuk.org/news2.php?section=news&page=news206
Jamiat-e-Ulama Britain provided advice for those attending Friday prayers. https://www.facebook.com/jamiatuk1/posts/1297604800427732
What is Ramadan?
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar during which every adult, sane, healthy Muslim is obliged to fast from dawn until sunset. Muslims consider Ramadan to be the most blessed month of the Islamic year. In this month the Prophet Muhammad received the first revelation of the Quran through the Angel Gabriel.
Fasting, in various forms, is a practice common to many faiths, including Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism. The Islamic practice is to abstain from all food, drink, chewing gum, any kind of tobacco use, conjugal relations and smoking from dawn until sunset.
However, that is merely the physical component of the fast; the spiritual aspects include refraining from gossiping, lying, slandering and other traits of bad character. All obscene and irreligious sights and sounds are to be avoided. Purity of thought and action is paramount.
Do all Muslims fast ?
People who are ill, travelling, taking medication, pregnant or menstruating are all exempted from fasting. Some will make up an equal number of days missed at a later date or pay a fixed amount to feed poor people. Some disabled people are also exempted from fasting, but no compensation or other substitute is required from them and some may not fast out of choice.
The fast is an enacting act of deep personal worship in which Muslims seek a raised level of God-consciousness. The act of fasting redirects the heart away from worldly activities, towards The Divine. Other benefits include:
- Developing empathy for the hardship and suffering of the poor
- Developing patience, moderation, self-discipline and self-restraint
- Cleansing the body and mind of impurities
It is compulsory for Muslims to fast in Ramadan but there are other optional fasts throughout the year that your Muslin colleagues may observe. Some may also make up obligatory fasts missed during Ramadan at a later date and some may not fast, everyone has their own journey
A Muslim’s Daily Routine during Ramadan
Dawn: When starting the daily fast Muslims usually wake up before dawn to eat a pre-dawn meal, i.e., to start their fast and perform ‘Fajr’ (dawn) prayer. They are then expected to carry out their daily business as normally as possible, by going to work, looking after their children, doing the household chores etc.
Day: During the day Muslims are required to pray the daily prayers of duhr (noon) and asr (afternoon). Many Muslims may also wish to perform supplementary prayers or read from the Quran.
Dusk: Many Muslims follow the practice of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and break their fast with dates and water at sunset. This is followed by ‘Maghrib’ (sunset) prayers and then a main meal (Iftar) is usually shared.
Night: After the main meal, Muslims will perform the Isha (night) prayer and many will also perform optional Taraweeh prayer (see below).
Increase in Worship
In addition to offering the five daily prayers, many Muslims may spend extra time in worship in one or more of the following:
Taraweeh prayers – These are extra congregational prayers performed in mosques each night during Ramadan. The person leading the prayer (imam) will recite the entire Quran from memory over the month. It comprises 114 chapters and has been divided into 30 equal parts. Normally one part per night is recited. They last between one and two hours each night.
Itikaf – When someone decides to enter itikaf, which is a significant act of worship, they reside in the mosque for the last 10 nights of Ramadan in seclusion with the aim of increasing their worship to God in a focused way devoid of any distraction.
Laylat-ul-Qadr (the Night of Decree or Power) – This is the holiest night of Ramadan. It is believed that God first sent down the Quran on this night. Many Muslims will try to spend the whole of this night in prayer and worship. This night spent in devotion and worship is equivalent to a thousand months in prayer. It occurs on one of the odd nights during the last 10 days of Ramadan.
End of Ramadan Celebrations – Eid ul Fitr
The end of Ramadan is celebrated with a festival, known as Eid ul Fitr. Muslims are encouraged to visit the mosque to offer special congregational prayers on the first morning of Eid ul Fitr to give thanks for the blessings they have received from Allah (the Arabic word for God). They will usually dress up, share celebratory meals with friends and give gifts. The traditional greeting is ‘Eid Mubarak’.
Below are the prayer times for Coventry, these can also vary depending on the sighting of the moon.
More information about Ramadan on the link below: