CWPT hit over 100k COVID-19 vaccinations as they mark one year anniversary at Bedworth Vaccination Centre

Healthcare staff who work at The Lodge and Ashby House, along with their children and pets have produced a festive Makaton video to wish the adults they support and their families a very Merry Christmas.
Read Staff and their families spread Christmas cheer in festive video…Nurses from across the country are invited to join Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust’s Community Nursing Career Day, held 21 January 2022. The virtual event is an opportunity for registered nurses to find out about nursing in the community and how it could be the next step in their career.
Read Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust Announces a Virtual Community Nursing Career Day…The NHS in Coventry and Warwickshire has responded to the Covid-19 vaccination programme expansion to offer every adult the chance to book a booster by the end of the year by greatly increasing the numbers of appointments available across the area and adding further sites where you can get a jab with no appointment necessary.
Read Health system in Coventry and Warwickshire delivers booster programme expansion…Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust (CWPT) has increased its capacity to offer 5,500 COVID-19 vaccination appointments at its vaccination site at Bedworth Civic Hall, Bedworth, Nuneaton until the end of December.
Read COVID-19 vaccination team increase booking capacity in response to Government’s urgent national appeal calling for people to get vaccinated…