New vision sets out exciting ambitions for NHS Trust

This week, Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Partnership Trust (CWPT) will launch its new vision and strategy, ‘People at our Heart’, which has been developed with the involvement of more than one thousand people.
CWPT’s vision sets out the ambitions it wishes to achieve by 2027, with one of the main aims being to achieve ‘Teaching Trust’ status. Colleagues, patients, carers and others have been involved in setting the new vision and priorities for the NHS organisation, as well as defining its core purpose and values.
The Trust - which provides inpatient and community mental health, learning disability, autism and physical health services across Coventry, Warwickshire and Solihull - will reveal its five-year ambitions at a series of special events across six of its sites on Wednesday, 25 May.
A short plaque unveiling ceremony at one of its flagship mental health sites, St Michael’s Hospital in Warwick, will mark the organisation’s commitment to delivering the pledges it is making. Chief Executive, Mel Coombes MBE, Chair, Jagtar Singh, and colleagues from the Trust will be joined by colleagues representing partners from the local health and care system, including Professor Simon Brake from the Warwick Medical School, and Sue Noyes from the Integrated Care Board (due to be established in July), as well as union, service user and carer representatives. Members of the media are also welcome.
Jagtar Singh, Trust Chair, said: “We are pleased to launch our new vision and strategy, People at our Heart, which outlines what we want to achieve over the next five years. This is the culmination of a year of engagement with our staff, representatives of people who use our services, colleagues from the voluntary sector, and others who have an interest in what we do. We involved many people in developing our vision, because we wanted our ambitions to reflect what matters most to the people we serve, and to the people who work here. What came out of the exercise was a very clear message: to put people truly at the heart of everything we do, and transform our Trust to become consistently innovative, forward-thinking and inclusive with the fundamental aim of providing consistently high quality, safe and compassionate care.”
Mel Coombes MBE, CWPT Chief Executive, adds: “One of our key ambitions is to become a ‘Teaching Trust’. This will build on our existing teaching practice and is particularly exciting for us. There is a positive and well-evidenced link between a Trust’s teaching status and the quality of the care it provides. As a teaching organisation, we would be constantly challenged to innovate, learn and grow, which is what people say they want to see. Becoming a recognised teaching organisation would also give our staff and service users greater opportunities to be involved in research and development, and would help employees to improve their skills and develop their careers right here at CWPT.
“Developing and launching the strategy for our vision is just the start. There is much work ahead to turn our vision into a reality. Over the coming weeks, we will continue our discussions with staff, service users, carers, health and care partners and others to develop supporting action plans which, ultimately, will make a major contribution to the long-term health and wellbeing of communities across Coventry, Warwickshire and Solihull.”
‘People at our Heart’ sets out five strategic priorities:
- Our Care: People who use our services are supported and empowered to reach their full potential and to achieve the best possible health and wellbeing for them.
- Our Colleagues: People working here feel empowered, valued, respected, engaged, safe and healthy, and are developed and supported to do a great job.
- Our Leadership: Compassionate, inclusive and accountable leaders at every level, who enable personal growth and development for everyone.
- Our Organisation: Creating an environment which inspires shared learning, innovation, improvement, inclusion, co-production and sustainability.
- Our Partnerships: Collaborating with others to improve the health and wellbeing of people and local communities, because the whole of a person’s healthcare journey matters
Each priority is supported by a series of bold goals with clear measures of success to help keep the Trust on track. Lastly, but importantly, five core values - which were set by staff with input from patients and carers - guide how people working at the Trust will behave and go about their work: Compassion; Respect; Collaboration; Excellence; and Integrity.
Watch this short video message from Mel Coombes MBE, CEO and Jagtar Singh OBE, Chair to find out more: