Getting your Covid vaccination and accessing NHS services this Christmas

The big day is nearly here and whilst the NHS is very busy, your local services are here for you over the festive period.
This includes Covid-19 vaccination sites for those who have not already come forward. Just last week, our fantastic NHS staff delivered over 95k vaccinations in Coventry and Warwickshire - a new local record!
It is not too late to come forward to protect yourself, your family and friends from Covid-19. We’re encouraging anyone who has not yet had their first, second or booster dose to receive it over the festive period to give maximum protection against Covid-19 into the New Year.
Many vaccination sites will continue to operate over the coming days. You can book an appointment at most sites via the NHS website, by calling 119, or by responding to a text message from your local GP practice.
A number of sites will be open between 24th December up to and including 3rd January. You can see the full list of vaccination sites across the Coventry and Warwickshire area, including those open to walk-ins, here.
If you need to see a GP for urgent issues over Christmas you will be able to do so, but please be aware that appointments may be at a different site or practice to your usual one. Should you have the urgent need to see a GP, the GP out-of-hours service and extended access service are available and are accessed by calling your GP practice as usual.
If you need to order repeat prescriptions and normally use the Prescription Ordering Direct service (POD), please be aware this will be closed on the weekends and the Bank Holidays but will be open as normal between 8am and 5pm on all other days.
To order your prescription via the POD, call 024 7624 6025 for Warwickshire North, 024 7624 6072 for Coventry & Rugby, or submit a request online via the website. For South Warwickshire please order through your usual method.
You can also use your local pharmacy to get advice on minor health concerns, over-the-counter medication and emergency prescriptions if needed. Community pharmacy opening hours are likely to differ from their usual times and some pharmacies may not be open at all on some days over the festive period. You can check a list of pharmacies in Coventry and Warwickshire here
If you think you need urgent care but know it’s not an emergency over Christmas, you can visit NHS 111 online or call 111 for children aged 5 and under.
Remember, it is not too late to get your first, second or booster dose of vaccine to protect yourself, your family and friends from Covid-19, click here to see a full list of vaccination sites in Coventry and Warwickshire.