Free events in Coventry and Warwickshire focus on the experiences of autistic people and employment support for Autism Acceptance Week 2024

Partner organisations across Coventry and Warwickshire will be marking World Autism Acceptance Week with special online events for families and professionals interested in finding out more about autism.
They are also pleased to announce a collaboration with Act for Autism that will offer a series of inspiring events later in 2024.
Organised by UK charity The National Autistic Society, World Autism Acceptance Week is an opportunity to highlight the importance of understanding more about autism and to inspire others to take steps to build kinder, more inclusive communities.
In the UK, there are around 700,000 autistic adults and children. This lifelong neurodevelopmental condition affects how a person communicates with and relates to other people, and the world around them. Being autistic means your brain works in a different way to other people's and although there are common characteristics, each person's experience of autism is different.
This week’s free events will therefore offer the chance for people to enrich their understanding by hearing directly from autistic people about their own stories. As well as this there will be a focus on providing opportunities for autistic individuals to find out more about support to find a job - as statistics show that only 29% of autistic people are in any form of employment.
- Act for Autism: Building better connections with the Autistic young people you live with or care for - Tuesday 2 April at 7pm via Zoom. Join the Act for Autism team to watch their film about the importance of identity and hear from the cast about what works in terms of support. There will be a chance for questions and discussion.
- Voiceability: Learn more about advocacy and celebrate World Autism Acceptance week – Wednesday 3 April, 1pm – 2pm via Microsoft Teams.
- Supported Internships in Coventry – speak to Coventry Adult Education Services to find out more about supported internships for young people aged 16-25 who are autistic or have a learning disability, and their new education programmes for adults. Drop-in Wednesday 3 April or Thursday 4 April anytime between 10am to 2pm at Southfields Old School, Coventry, CV1 5EJ.
Information session for families, individuals, businesses and professionals to understand what support is available to help autistic adults and those with a learning disability into employment:
- Warwickshire’s Supported Employment Offer – Friday 5 April, 12pm – 12.45pm via Microsoft Teams.
- Coventry’s Supported Employment Offer – Friday 5 April, 1pm – 1.45pm via Microsoft Teams.
If you would like to attend any of the online events above, or would like further information, email:
Partner organisations are also pleased to announce that a series of ‘Together with Autism’ conferences will be delivered in partnership with Act for Autism later this year. The events will be for professionals, parents and carers of autistic children, autistic adults and anyone interested in learning more about autism. They are free to attend and will feature informative and inspiring talks, dynamic workshops and an opportunity to meet the services and share experiences with others. Registration will open six weeks before each event. Dates and locations are as follows:
- Saturday 29 June 2024 – Leamington
- Saturday 14 September 2024 – Coventry
- Saturday 9 November 2024 – Nuneaton
Further information will be shared on the Neurodiversity & Autism - Happy Healthy Lives website and in the meantime, for queries and further information please email
Ali Cole, Head of Commissioning, Warwickshire County Council and Co-Chair of the Autism Partnership Board said: “Autism Acceptance Week is a wonderful opportunity for partners across Coventry and Warwickshire to come together to encourage greater awareness and acceptance of autism, and to help build a deeper understanding among our communities so that autistic people and their families can be supported to live fulfilling and rewarding lives.
“Our All-Age Autism Strategy, which has been co-produced, recognises that autism touches the lives of lots of people and can affect many aspects of life, from school to healthcare to employment, housing and social lives. That’s why it’s important that everyone plays their part in helping to build more inclusive autism-friendly environments. So, whether you watch a video, sign up for one of the free sessions, find out about the support available or start a conversation with someone today, I encourage everyone to get involved in Autism Acceptance Week.”
As well as raising awareness and understanding of autism among local communities, health and care staff across Coventry and Warwickshire are set to receive additional training to better understand autistic people and people with a learning disability. The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training is to be rolled out from April and will be delivered in two tiers to ensure staff receive the right level of training. Local experts with lived experience will bring their unique insights and perspectives to co-deliver this training across the area and you can meet the team in this video series. Read more about The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training at:
Ongoing support and resources for people in Coventry and Warwickshire are available, so they can take steps to help themselves and those who they care for. Free information, advice and support for neurodiversity and autism can now be found all in one place by visiting the Neurodiversity & Autism - Happy Healthy Lives webpages.
In February 2022, Coventry and Warwickshire launched its joint All-Age Autism Strategy 2022-2026