CWPT’s Medical Education Team recognised by UHCW as the most supportive department for junior doctors.

Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust’s (CWPT) Medical Education Centre has been recognised at the University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust’s (UHCW) Medical Education Excellence Day (MEED) as the most supportive department for trainee doctors.
The department was recognised after being voted most supportive by junior doctors, who have joined CWPT on placements in psychiatry from UHCW.
The team attended the UHCW Clinical Sciences Building on 9 February to receive a certificate from the Medical Education Team.
Shirley, Medical Education Centre Manager at CWPT, said:
“It’s nice to be recognised for all our hard work. We have worked to improve communication with UHCW postgraduate team, and I believe this has supported the trainee doctors and enhanced their experience.”
Congratulations and a huge thank you to team members Shirley, Angela, and Joanne for their outstanding commitment to ensuring junior doctors and medical students have the best experience possible at CWPT.