Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust Announces a Virtual Community Nursing Career Day

Nurses from across the country are invited to join Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust’s Community Nursing Career Day, held 21 January 2022. The virtual event is an opportunity for registered nurses to find out about nursing in the community and how it could be the next step in their career.
The virtual event, aimed at registered nurses and student (adult) nurses in their final year of university, will provide an opportunity to connect with our nurses and teams, to explore exciting opportunities within the trust’s Community Health and Wellbeing directorate. Nurses at all levels are invited to come and learn how to make steps to develop their nursing career and find out about the diverse and varied opportunities available to work with the best of the best in community care. With so many specialties on offer, a career in the community promises unlimited opportunities to develop a lifelong career and exciting new challenges.
The day will open with presentations delivered by the various teams in Community Health and Wellbeing, showcasing the opportunities each team provides and the breadth of work they undertake. Those who are interested to apply for vacancies will be able to sign up for an interview during the event and offers will be made to successful applicants on the day.
Here is a selection of just some of the roles available to apply for on the day:
Place Based Teams – these teams look after housebound patients over the age of 18
- Community Matron – Band 8a
- Community Nurse Team Leader – Band 7
- Community Nursing Sister/Charge Nurse – Band 6
- Community Staff Nurse – Band 5
- Community Nursing Associate – Band 4
Continence Team – this team is a specialist team focusing on bowel and bladder care and work in a clinic setting and see patients in their own homes
- Continence Sister/Charge Nurse – Band 6
- Continence Staff Nurse – Band 5
Tissue Viability – this team is a specialist wound care service that works in a clinic setting and see patients in their own home if needed
- Tissue Viability Staff Nurse – Band 5
Urgent Community Response:
- Various posts in our newly developing Urgent Community Response team.
Relocation packages are available and should be discussed at your interview. Once nurses have registered their interest in attending the event, the timetable for the event will be provided.
For more information and to register your interest, please contact:
Applications close 17 January 2022.