A new piece of art is on display at Manor Hospital in Nuneaton

A new piece of art is on display at Manor Hospital!
The sculpture was designed and build by artist Spencer Jenkins and commissioned by Escape Arts. In 2020, Escape Arts was awarded funding through Arts Council England to undertake two pieces of public artwork in hospital settings across Warwickshire, one of which was to be housed at the Manor Hospital site in Nuneaton.
The sculpture is inspired by the architecture of the hospital building and the memories and photographs shared by staff and patients at Manor Hospital.
The concept of Manor Hospital was instigated by Nuneaton Surgeon Dr Edward Nason and sons after witnessing the benefits of medical care in clean conditions while training in. These doctors and surgeons led the way to create the story of ‘Nuneaton’s Hospital Fund’ which led to the building of Nuneaton’s first hospital.
Since its conception as Nuneaton’s first hospital, The Manor has witnessed pioneering surgery, medical care for infection and disease, specialist care to local workers and residents, WW2 service men and women, the setting up of a nurse training school and the development of George Eliot General and Maternity Hospital.
Spencer’s sculpture now hangs proudly on the wall of Manor Hospital, honouring the building’s rich history in Nuneaton.